
Missio Dei Uptown

Our Story

We desire for Missio Dei Uptown to be a community that redefines the image of church in our context. After Jesus rose from the dead, He left a community of believers where God’s power was constantly on display. These people loved their neighbors radically and shared their lives with one another. They told of their struggles and failures openly, served one another, gave freely, and lived courageously. People from all over came together to worship Jesus and offer the world a vision of life so beautiful that many would leave everything to follow Jesus. We too believe that Jesus is life. Jesus offers a life of grace, forgiveness, freedom, joy, and community that we hope define our church. We are a church where everyone is welcome and where the good news of Jesus is transforming our lives. This belief leads us to the broken places, engaging people with this new life and boldly proclaiming the love of Jesus that stands above everything else.

Our church began in February, 2014 with a just a couple dozen people. Though we have learned so much during these past couple years, our vision hasn’t changed. It is to join God in the renewal of Uptown! We desire to be a multicultural church where people from any background, age, gender, and race can participate in a reconciling community of faith. Our vision is to see the renewal break through all across the Uptown neighborhood.

We would love for you to join us!

Our Vision & Mission

Joining GOD as HE makes all things new by making disciples of JESUS neighborhood by neighborhood.

Our Values


We experience God's restorative power flowing into and mending the broken and hurting places, and we join the stream of this grand renewal project by making known the all encompassing love of Jesus in our neighborhood and city.


We affirm that every single person has immeasurable value because they are made in the image of God. Yet we live in a world where so many have their inherent dignity questioned and marred, often as a result of systemic injustices. In response, we will be a community of hope and action - seeking friendship and unity as we become reconcilers and advocates until all people in Chicago flourish.


We are liberated through the person and work of Jesus to unceasingly experience the Spirit's transformative power and presence, and as a distinct people marked by this freedom, we delight to behold and encounter the face of God as the Kingdom breaks in among us.

Leadership Team

Tiana Coleman

Associate Pastor

Jimmy Clifton

Pastor & Elder

Jenny Jones


Chris White


Fred Anderson

Deacon of Hospitality

Kathy Anderson

Deacon of Prayer

Erin Gottlieb

Deacon of Youth MInistry

Dave Van Winkle


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